The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly revolutionised the way of living in many parts of the world. There is no need to go to a shopping mall, everything can be ordered online. There is no need for a cinema. Streaming platforms will unveil the latest
The Sharjah Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Team and Sharjah Private Education Authority have decided to shift students at all Sharjah private schools and nurseries to distance learning from 14 to 28 February 2021, with continuous monitoring of the situation. Optics Laser

The UAE places considerable emphasis on digital learning and technology, and helps its people to be conversant with this means of savviness. The best part is that the commitment is not limited to the well-off students in schools, colleges or
The Australian Curriculum Authority has proposed concentrating on teaching problem solving in mathematics whereas surely the emphasis should be on solving the problems of mathematics teaching. Problem solving is an important skill, but the basics
At an unassuming industrial estate in northern Ukraine, two former Microsoft executives and a team of engineers are producing military drones that can travel over long distances and carry large payloads. AeroDrone, which made crop-dusting drones prior to the war and now supplies Ukraine’s armed forces, makes unmanned aircraft
Brazil’s leftist leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing next week, where he hopes to reinforce trade, discuss international mediation in Ukraine, and reclaim his country’s role in global geopolitics. After a period of isolation under his far-right predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, Lula is wasting no
The speed at which depositors fled Silicon Valley Bank this month – withdrawing $42 billion in 24 hours – has left authorities confronting a new risk: the social media-driven bank run. Gone are the days when lines of people outside banks served as the defining image of a lender on the brink. In today’s turbocharged digital age,

Circular Polarization Filter Some time ago a man visited an art gallery and accidentally left his glasses there. They’d fallen out of his pocket and, unbeknownst to him, they’d landed on the floor near a wall. What do you think happened next? Well, a lot of things could have happened. Someone could have picked them up and handed them in to ‘lost and found’.