Cannoncino alla Crema Pasticcera
Hailing from Piedmont, this delicate puff pastry is filled with custard cream and carefully folded to obtain a uniform width that perfectly complements the sweet interior.
La Lounge è un delizioso ambiente dove assaporare un dessert, o semplicemente rilassarsi davanti al camino e immergersi in una splendida atmosfera.
L'elegante arredamento italiano comprende poltrone ribassate in pelle, marmo scuro, incantevoli divisori in bronzo e scenografici lampadari realizzati su misura con il caratteristico motivo a “Maglia Pantheon” di Bvlgari. Durante l'inverno, ila fiamma che arde nel camino crea un ambiente intimo e avvolgente. I ritratti di celebrità italiane degli anni '60, regalano all’atmosfera il glamour della Dolce Vita, mentre le viste sul giardino conferiscono alla lounge un tocco contemporaneo e vivace.
La Pasticceria - Niko Romito, an exclusive collection of 11 pastries created by Chef Niko Romito, is now available at Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts in Milan, Dubai, Beijing and Shanghai. Each single-portioned pastry is inspired by a different region in Italy, and crafted for a modern palate with lighter ingredients than the traditional recipes. Pastries are beautifully executed to be enjoyed in the lounge on colourful Richard Ginori plates. For Afternoon Tea, mignon versions of the pastries are available, the perfect addition to an assortment that includes organic teas and savoury snacks.
Hailing from Piedmont, this delicate puff pastry is filled with custard cream and carefully folded to obtain a uniform width that perfectly complements the sweet interior.
A Ligurian specialty associated with International Women’s Day, which is symbolized by the mimosa flower. Each cake is topped with cubes of cake to resemble the gorgeous flower.
Created in 19th century Piedmont, this dessert is named after the snowy peaks of Mont Blanc. Traditionally made with chestnut purée, this version uses natural chestnuts for a lighter taste.
The Sicilian classic, featuring a biscuit rolled into a perfect cylinder and filled with ricotta and organic pistachio crumble.
This flourless Neapolitan classic comes from Capri. It’s made with vegetable fats to make it lighter than the traditional version.
A traditional fruit tart with a shortbread crust, it is topped with a layer of custard and the freshest seasonal fruit.
Originating in the Sicilian capital of Palermo, the cassata cake is a favourite sweet of the region. Rich in history, flavour and aroma, it conjures the unique terroir of Sicily in every bite.
Soaked in rum and topped with fresh cream and strawberries, this dessert was a favourite of Neapolitan aristocracy and its secret lies in the kneading and rising time of the dough.
These small round puff pastry choux are filled with cream and topped with melted chocolate, a Tuscan specialty whose name comes from the French profit, meaning little gift.
From the Italian Tyrol, or Trentino Alto Adige region, this masterpiece layers hazelnut shortbread, raspberry preserves and sliced nuts. The shortbread is made without butter.
One of the most popular desserts in the world, this sweet originates in Lombardy and layers delicate puff pastry with vanilla cream.
The Lounge is open from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm.
Situato di fronte alla Lounge, il giardino italiano è disponibile anche per eventi e feste private. Caratterizzato da una vegetazione rigogliosa, quest'ambiente romantico ricorda il giardino all'italiana dell'originale Hotel Bvlgari di Milano.
Collocato al 47° piano, adiacente a Il Ristorante - Niko Romito, il Bvlgari Bar risplende come un gioiello sullo sfondo panoramico del lungofiume Bund e dello skyline di Pudong. Il bancone ovale al centro, ispirato alla celebre Fontana della Barcaccia di Roma, è diventato un simbolo della collezione Bvlgari Hotels ed è stato reinterpretato in ogni ...
Ubicata sul tetto dell'hotel, La Terrazza offre agli ospiti un panorama mozzafiato sull'indimenticabile skyline di Shanghai con uno stile tipicamente italiano. Quest’oasi urbana, ispirata alle località della Riviera, presenta pavimenti in teak, comode poltrone in tonalità avorio e cabine avvolte da tende per regalare ai clienti un’intima evasione. ...